The Korea Herald


Pakistan doctors save life of baby with six legs

By 문예빈

Published : April 20, 2012 - 12:08

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Doctors in Pakistan say they have successfully operated to save the life of a baby born with six legs due to a rare genetic condition, hospital officials said Thursday.

“A team of five experienced doctors have successfully separated the extra legs and limbs from the baby today. He is very much safe and secure,” said Jamal Raza, the director of National Institute of the Child Health in Karachi.

Raza said it was a case of parasitic conjunction -- more than one baby joined together but only one of them fully formed.

The boy was born to the wife of an X-ray technician a couple of weeks ago in Sukkur city, around 450 kilometres (280 miles) north of Karachi, and was moved to Karachi for treatment early this week.

“The extra limbs and legs were the result of a genetic disease which would affect only one in a million or more babies,” the doctor said.

Imran Shaikh, the baby's father, was thrilled.

“It is great news for us. What the parents want is to see their kids healthy and strong. We pray his life remains normal and joyful,” he told reporters. (AFP)

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파키스탄 카라치 북부 도시 수쿠르에서 다리 6개의 기형아가 태어나 주위의 놀라움을 샀다.

국립아동보건원 관계자에 따르면 지난 목요일 의사 5명이 정상적인 다리를 제외한 나머지 4개 다리를 절단하는 데 성공했다고 미국 언론사가 보도했다.

신생아는 몇 주 전 엑스레이 기술자인 아버지와 어머니 사이에서 태어나 지난 주 중 카라치에 위치한 병원으로 이송된 것으로 알려졌다.

유전병으로 인해 기형아가 태어날 확률은 5만분의 1~20만분의 1로 극히 드물다.