The Korea Herald


N. Korea unveils video footage showing SLBM attack on Washington

By 조정은

Published : March 26, 2016 - 14:11

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A North Korean Web site unveiled video footage on Saturday in which its submarine-launched ballistic missile scorches Washington D.C., ratcheting up its provocative acts in defiance of international pressure.

The 4-minute long footage, uploaded on the website of, one of the North's propaganda sites for outside online users, shows an SLBM, after re-entering the earth's atmosphere from outer space, hitting the U.S.' capital.

Earlier this month, a U.S. news report said that the North has conducted a ground test of an SLBM, a move that, if confirmed, was the latest in a series of SLBM tests the North has conducted since May, when Pyongyang claimed it successfully carried out an SLBM test underwater.

The regime has since carried out SLBM ejection tests on Nov. 28 and Dec. 21, but they were unsuccessful.

The latest test is the first since the U.N. Security Council adopted a new sanctions resolution in response to Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test in January and its long-range rocket launch in February.

Like previous resolutions, the resolution also bans Pyongyang from all ballistic missile activity.

The North's SLBM capability, if fully developed, would pose a serious threat because of its mobile nature.

In recent weeks, the North has carried out a series of missile launches in defiance of the U.N. resolution and in a gesture of displeasure over annual joint military exercises between the South and the U.S., which Pyongyang has long branded as a rehearsal for invasion.

Meanwhile, another propaganda Web site of the North, Uriminzokkiri, unveiled video footage earlier this week in which the North targets and blows up President Park Geun-hye and South Korea's presidential office.
