The Korea Herald


N.K. set to complete 70-day loyalty drive ahead of party congress

By KH디지털1

Published : May 2, 2016 - 17:21

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North Korea was set to complete the 70-day campaign designed to press its people to work harder on Monday as it is preparing to hold the first party congress in more than 30 years later this week.

In late February, the North kicked off the "70-day campaign of loyalty," under which the North's regime has been mobilizing its people to complete construction and other projects ahead of the party event.

"A set of construction works have been under way with the aim to complete them by May 2, when the 70-day campaign ends," said Minjok Tongshin, a pro-North Korean Internet outlet based in the United States.

The Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) plans to open its rare party congress on Friday, the first since 1980, at which North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is likely to unveil a new line of policies.

Pyongyang's state media has yet to officially unveil the closing date of the campaign, but it has recently talked up accomplishments, saying that people and units have surpassed their production goals.

"These achievements clearly show that the final victory is in store for the DPRK people who are advancing under the self-development-first banner," the North's official Korean Central News Agency said Wednesday.

The DPRK stands for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the North's official name.

The party congress, the WPK's highest-level political guidance body, comes amid nagging concerns about advances in North Korea's nuclear and missile development programs.

North Korea is pressing ordinary citizens to boost production results and has forced them to offer money to authorities, inviting growing discontent from North Koreans, according to a South Korean government official.

The North has also intensified efforts to idolize its leader Kim Jong-un ahead of the upcoming party congress, according to Seoul's unification ministry.

The North has exalted Kim by focusing on his capabilities and feats since the North's nuclear test in January and long-range rocket launch in February.

Analysts said that they are focusing on whether a new title will be bestowed on the North's leader at the party congress.

Kim Jong-un has three titles -- the first secretary of the WPK, the first chairman of the National Defense Commission and the supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.

His late grandfather and the country's founding father Kim Il-sung is called the "eternal president" and his late father Kim Jong-il is dubbed the "eternal general secretary" of the WPK.

"There is a possibility that the current leader may become the chairman of the WPK's central committee after restoring the post," said a source familiar with North Korea affairs.

The WPK's central committee supervises and organizes all party affairs and manages the coffers of the party.

The post of the committee's chairmanship was abolished in October 1966, when an organizational reshuffle took place. (Yonhap)